I was recently invited to join Shepherd: Discover the best books to read, a site where “authors share their favorite books around topics and themes they are passionate about and why they recommend each book.”
I’ve chosen to feature my novel The Soft Whisper of Roses along with five of my favorite Christian or faith-filled novels about “true-to-life women dealing with the messy side of life and love.”
Shepherd’s algorithm hasn’t yet given me the best matches for “closely related book lists,” but I understand they’re still developing their system. Other Christian novelists you can find there are Julie Lessman, Karen Witemeyer, Carolyn Miller, and MaryLu Tyndall. It’s fun and interesting to see which books other authors have included in their “top five” lists.
I hope you’ll stop by to see my selections and also browse the site for any other authors and books that may interest you.