books by myra johnson

Myra Johnson - Christian Inspirational Romance Author

In real life and in the books I write, it seems life and love are always on a collision course. It hurts like crazy when life in the real world rains all over our romantic dreams. But I still believe in love, which is why you’ll find enduring messages of forgiveness and reconciliation in my stories. Messages of hope. Messages of faith. Messages of God’s unconditional love . . .


Myra Johnson - Inspirational Romance Author

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Follow along with Myra’s journey in her blog, Writer at Random, and the musings of her alter ego, The Grammar Queen.

  • Announcing another contest final!

    I’m a little behind with this update, but I was thrilled to learn that my Love Inspired romance A Steadfast Companion was included among the HOLT Medallion finalists in the Short …Read More
  • Dangling modifiers and other pet peeves

    Good morning, class! Let us begin with a pertinent reminder. Say it with me, now… GRAMMAR IS YOUR FRIEND.  Louder, please… GRAMMAR IS YOUR FRIEND! Much better. However, as many …Read More