Introducing The Grammar Queen!

Yes, my dears, as I believe it was said a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, resistance is futile!

Or perhaps it was actually at some date far into the future. Or not at all. Or only a figment of my imagination. 

In any case, there is no escape. If we want to communicate effectively, whether in spoken or written words, an understanding of basic grammar concepts is essential.

Therefore, let me introduce myself. I am . . .

The Grammar Queen

Or, as many of my students and friends affectionately address me, simply “GQ.”

Am I a real person? Well . . . yes, and . . . no. On a good day, Myra kindly considers me her alter ego. On a bad day (in her opinion), when I intrude as she watches a television program or a movie, or when she’s reading a novel, the church bulletin, a magazine article, or other printed material, Myra can become quite annoyed that I do not allow her to simply enjoy the experience rather than inserting my—ahem—humble corrections of grammar or usage.

Some of you may have encountered me previously in Seekerville. I now officially reside right here on Myra’s website and blog. Going forward, I’m pleased to continue my instruction here and shall be reprising and revising many of my earlier lectures for your edification. You may access the lessons directly by using this link, or by selecting “Grammar Queen” from the “blog” dropdown menu above.

I would also be delighted for you to follow me as @TheGrammarQueen on Twitter if you are so inclined.

Questions? Should you have a particular grammatical issue with which you require assistance, feel free to use the comment form below. If I am unavailable to respond personally, perhaps I shall address your question in an upcoming lecture.

Grammar Queen